Top 10 Places to Travel in Nepal | नेपालका घुम्नै पर्ने १० ठाउँहरु | Beautiful Nepal |ACM Nepal

Here is the list of 10 places to travel in Nepal. Note that the ranking can vary as per the person preferences and also ranking doesn’t make any sense here as all places we list here are marvelous and doesn’t matter whether your favorite place is in 1 or is in 10 .
There are lots of other places which are not in the list. That does not mean they doesn’t belong here, its the most probable list we can make.

What’s you TOP 10 travel place in Nepal, please comment below.
For the viewer information we have been doing Top 10 Series from long ago and if you have any wish list of top 10 then please comment below.

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Happy trail, happy travel, travel Nepal.

Namaste, Jay Nepal.

Images: Google
Music: Filmora library

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