10 Best Places to Visit in California 2019 – Travel Video

There’s more to California than just movie stars and Disneyland. This is a state that boasts a large number of stunning natural attractions, including beautiful beaches, serene deserts and majestic mountains. California is also home to a number of exciting major cities, charming towns and to some of the world’s best wineries.

10 Top Tourist Attractions in the USA – Travel Video

As one of the largest and most diverse countries in the world, The United States boast an amazing amount of travel destinations ranging from the skyscrapers of New York and Chicago, the natural wonders of Yellowstone and Alaska to the sunny beaches of California and Florida. Here’s a look at the top tourist attractions in the USA.

10 Best Places to Visit in California – Travel Video

There’s more to California than just movie stars and Disneyland. This is a state that boasts a large number of stunning natural attractions, including beautiful beaches, serene deserts and majestic mountains. California is also home to a number of exciting major cities, charming towns and to some of the world’s best wineries.

10 Best Places to Travel in the World & 20K Subscriber Celebration!

My top 10 favorite travel destinations. As a very frequent traveler, I am often asked “Where is your favorite place to travel?” I’ll tell you my top 10 favorite places to travel in the world, categorized by my top three in Asia, Europe, and the US. EXPAND DESCRIPTION FOR FULL LIST! It’s also my 20,000 subscriber celebration!

1. Japan
2. Singapore
3. Hong Kong
Honorable Mention: Taiwan

Intermission and 20,000 Subscriber Celebration:
20,000 Subscribers crossed on August 2017
10,000 Subscribers in July 2016
8.5 Million Total Views
Geographic Breakdown: 41% US, 6% Australia, 6% Canada, 5% Singapore, 5% India, 5% UK, 3% Phillipines, 3% Japan

1. Austria (Vienna)
2. Italy (Rome)
3. Czech Republic (Prague)
Honorable Mention: Portugal

1. Los Angeles (Side trips to Vegas, and San Diego)
2. New York, New York
3. Washington DC
And finally…. Hawaii!

NEXT LIVE STREAM: September 25, 2017 @ 8PM Los Angeles Time. Topic: Australia!

Missed my last live stream? Watch my previous live stream on The BEST Places for BBQ in the USA here: https://youtu.be/5Mtibyd7FlQ?list=PLOVadUHX1B-JGLMwqvLbS9kkgAlhNWTp2

Or my WORST Hotel Experiences here: https://youtu.be/WhqRFDG7uc0?list=PLOVadUHX1B-JGLMwqvLbS9kkgAlhNWTp2

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